School Curriculum

The school curriculum aims at providing students with an all-round education in a Christian context. Our students attend a weekly church service held by our School Chaplain. Combined with a whole school approach to moral and civic education, we hope to cultivate a sense of integrity in students.

In all subjects, we stress language, knowledge, thinking and learning skills, the appreciation of the arts, as well as physical and spiritual well-being.

The curriculum includes English, Chinese Language in Putonghua, Mathematics, History & Geography, Science, Social Studies, Art & Craft, Music, Information Communication Technology, Physical Education and Scripture. We also encourage our students to broaden their horizons through reading. With the exception of Chinese Language and Social Studies, all subjects are taught in English. Apart from taking Reading lessons, students also have access to the library regularly and participate in different library activities.

The School adopts an activity and project based approach to teaching and learning to cater to learner diversity and to develop students' generic skills. Formative, summative and other modes of assessment are used to collect learning outcomes for evaluation of learning effectiveness.

Primary 6 students are allocated secondary school places through the Secondary School Places Allocation (SSPA) system. Each year, the School recommends the best Primary 6 boys with good work and good conduct to continue their studies in Diocesan Boys' School.